Ariane Hunter Photography

Welcome to my photo-blog everyone! Allow me to share my personal thoughts and feelings with you through my photographs. I am a freelance photographer based out of NYC and abroad. I love photographing any and everything that is inspiring whether its an exotic flower or beautiful child smiling up at me. My goal is to open your eyes to the world to see things you otherwise wouldn't have. I hope you enjoy your time on my site and please feel free to drop a comment (good or bad).

Monday, July 13, 2009

Good for the Soul

Everyday I come home to this lonely piano; it sits there, in the corner, collecting dust waiting for someone to breathe life into it. Today, I decided to warm this piano with a single rose until the musician returns.

Sometimes we become consumed with our daily lives and forget the things that matter the most to us, the things that make us happy. Go out and do the thing that you enjoy the most but haven't done in years. Your sou
l will thank you.

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Blogger Lovely Raine said...

These are the most BEAUTIFUL pictures I've ever seen that has touched my soul. You are right the simplest things in life are forgotten because the choas we create in our lives, sometimes we do need to stop and remember to take care of our soul.

July 30, 2009 at 2:26 PM  
Blogger Ariane Hunter said...

Infinite Possibility. Thank you so much for your comments! I'm glad these photos were able to inspire you. I truly believe that we need to remember what is important in our lives and be grateful for the simple things that make us smile.

August 11, 2009 at 7:25 AM  

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