Ariane Hunter Photography

Welcome to my photo-blog everyone! Allow me to share my personal thoughts and feelings with you through my photographs. I am a freelance photographer based out of NYC and abroad. I love photographing any and everything that is inspiring whether its an exotic flower or beautiful child smiling up at me. My goal is to open your eyes to the world to see things you otherwise wouldn't have. I hope you enjoy your time on my site and please feel free to drop a comment (good or bad).

Thursday, August 6, 2009

While I Was Away

It's been a while since the last time I wrote. Vacationing in Southbeach Florida was a small distraction for me for the last couple of days. However, I couldn't wait to get back and post some of the details from my trip. As I sort out things and get back to my normal life after the fun in the sun, I wanted to share with you one special moment from my trip.

One morning, I decided to get up with the sun and experience something peaceful and very spiritual. I was one of about three people on the entire beach, but at this moment, I felt like I was the only person on earth. The waves crashing against the shore became rhythmic and the smell of the ocean filled my lungs. I could hear my heart beat and for once nothing was on my mind.

Out of all the things I did while on vacation; the wonderful dinners, sunbathing, and trendy nightspots, this memory is the one I'll keep with me.

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