Ariane Hunter Photography

Welcome to my photo-blog everyone! Allow me to share my personal thoughts and feelings with you through my photographs. I am a freelance photographer based out of NYC and abroad. I love photographing any and everything that is inspiring whether its an exotic flower or beautiful child smiling up at me. My goal is to open your eyes to the world to see things you otherwise wouldn't have. I hope you enjoy your time on my site and please feel free to drop a comment (good or bad).

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Image File

I started reading a phenomenal book called the Artists Way by Julia Cameron. It has become somewhat my bible for the past 6 weeks. If you find that you are feeling blocked as an artist or you need to reconnect with yourself, I highly recommend reading this book. It will change your life, one chapter at a time.

With that said, I wanted to share with you a small activity that I've incorporated in my life just recently from reading that book. The other night, on my way home from work, I decided to pick up some sushi for dinner and a bottle of red wine. Mmm mmm, I just love wine. But anyway, I decided that during dinner I would flip through some travel magazines that I had and cut out the images of locations that I would someday want to visit or perhaps even live.

I've always had travel aspirations of going to far off exotic locations to experience new surroundings and different cultures. I've even created a top 7 list of places I would like to go before I die. Thailand, Australia, Brazil, Japan, etc. The list goes on and on. Visiting these places, seemed somewhat far-fetched for me but through the help of reading the Artists Way and looking at things differently, I realized that if my heart is telling me to travel, I need to listen.

So for now, I am keeping my aspirations of traveling alive by constanly surrounding myself with images of places that I am destined to go. As of right now, I have magazine clippings of beautiful destinations hung up in my kitchen, on my bedroom mirror, and the wall next to my workstation at home. This can be done with not only places but with images of things and people. Things that you hope to obtain some day like that 5 bedroom beachhouse in San Francisco or a picture of Michelle Obama; who doesn't want to exude confidence and strength just like her?

I encourage you to try this activity for at least a week and watch as your perceptions and behavior start to change.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Through My Window

Good Morning Everyone!

When was the last time you took a good look outside your window? I live in New York City so typically we have things like skyscrapers, apartment buildings, concrete sidewalks below, and a Starbucks on the corner. Looking through my window this morning, I saw none of those things however. In fact, I saw this...

Beautiful? No. Interesting? Eh, maybe. A small detail of the world I live in? Basically, its the window in my living room but every morning the sun kinda pierces through the entangled leaves and casts an interesting light pattern in my apartment.

Since picking up a camera, I see things and now I take the time to examine the details of everything around me. Everything in your life, no matter how small it is, plays an important role. Don't take it for granted.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Good for the Soul

Everyday I come home to this lonely piano; it sits there, in the corner, collecting dust waiting for someone to breathe life into it. Today, I decided to warm this piano with a single rose until the musician returns.

Sometimes we become consumed with our daily lives and forget the things that matter the most to us, the things that make us happy. Go out and do the thing that you enjoy the most but haven't done in years. Your sou
l will thank you.

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Friday, July 3, 2009

New York State of Mind

I made NYC my home for the past two, its been two years already! Time sure flies. If you ever thought about moving to the city - do it! I grew up in the outer-boroughs of the city, in the Bronx for ten years before I relocated to Long Island. Seventeen years later, I realized that suburban life was not for me. I moved back to the city for several reasons: the energy, the excitement, the diversity, and to meet people. I've done all those things and had a blast. I still don't have a grasp on everything in the city but I'm learning. I've learned so much about myself just by being here. The possibilities are unlimited in the city and I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else at the moment.

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